What is spearfishing? A 2024 introduction.
What is spearfishing? A 2024 introduction.

Here at Flint, we support every discipline of hunting, where it is ethical and sustainable. One of the less well known disciplines of hunting here in the UK in spearfishing. 

Spearfishing is a discipline of sea fishing which requires the hunter to freedive on a single breath to hunt. Equipt with tools such as a speargun, pole spear or foraging hook, they will stalk across seagrass, kelp and rocks or lie in ambush until a suitable target is identified. These techniques are generally referred to by their Italian names, aguatto and aspetto. 

Aguatto is a highly demanding spearfishing technique because the hunter is actively stalking through the water, combing the seabed and kelp forests for the right target. Not an easy achievement on a single breath! Aspetto is still challenging because the hunter must resist underwater currents to remain in place and ambush their target, focusing on remaining calm and relaxed to preserve the breath hold. 

The sport is a highly selective discipline of fishing because the Spearo is able to accurately identify and target their chosen species of fish before taking a shot. This is a marked difference to many other disciplines of fishing in which the species and size can only be identified after the fact. 

UK costal waters have a fantastic diversity of marine life. It is not uncommon to see spearo's with catches including bass, pollock, crab, lobster and scallops. To preserve a healthy marine environment and stock, the government defines which species and sizes are allowed to be caught as well as closed seasons to allow for safe breeding periods. 

Because spearfishing relies on the hunter to hold their breath underwater, all responsible spearo's hunt in a minimum of pairs, with one hunter remaining on the surface spotting for the other whilst they hunt. They will practice rescue drills in the uncommon event their partner gets into difficulty. It is always advisable for new entrants to the sport to find a reputable instructor and do a spearfishing course, where the foundations of freediving are taught and practiced in a safe environment. 

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